
Drinking your calories can be one of the best ways to have a bad time when dieting
Liquid calories don’t fill you up the way eating them does, for one.
AND, it’s easy to be blissfully unaware of their impact on your total calorie consumption.
So, if you’re not careful, you risk blowing the calorie-deficit needed for weight-loss you’re working hard to create…
Milky Coffees are one of the most common diet-sabotage perpetrators – but a simple swap like this solves the problem.
A Black Americano has basically zero calories in it and will give you that sweet caffeine hit you want.
AND save you 100-200 Calories in the process.
(a Skinny Latte has around 100 Calories in it – a good compromise if you still really want a milky coffee)
A simple swap like this every day could save you 1400 calories per week – and you won’t even notice the difference, hunger-wise.
You WILL however notice the difference to your fat-loss results cos they’ll be way better
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