
For the best part of 20 years I struggled to stick to a diet long-term.
Even when I was ‘in shape’ for 3 years without a ‘relapse’ it was brutally hard for me.
Over the years I’ve witnessed this struggle in 100s of clients and very distinctive behaviour-similarities have emerged.
I saw them in myself and I see them in 99% of people I talk to who struggle to lose weight.
Here’s what I think are the biggest mistakes:
Not Planning – ‘winging it’ is an open-invitation to fail. Having a plan means succeeding is the ONLY OPTION you are connected to. This includes planning ahead to factor in social occasions and travel instead of allowing them to de-rail you.
Relying On Good ‘In The Moment Decisions’ – following on from no.1, this is an unreliable way to stick to a diet. Your good decision-making ability will fatigue. Especially if you’re testing it every time you eat! Plan ahead and have the foods for it at hand instead.
Keeping Trigger Foods At Home – we all have foods we struggle to eat in moderation that are PACKED full of calories. Don’t tempt fate – keep them out the house. Buy single portions instead and factor them into your calories.
Not Taking Regular Measurements – regularly taking body weight, circumference measurements and progress photos reveals the effect of your current eating habits. Without them it’s easy to delude yourself if you’re going off-plan. ‘Facing the truth’ once a week prevents that.
Making Your Diet Too ‘Fussy’ – a ‘perfect’ menu of meals cooked from scratch is cool and all but how practical is it? Be realistic and don’t be afraid to use ready-prepped meals. A convenient diet is 126622 times easier to stick to.
Are you making any of these mistakes?





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